Monday, 28 January 2013

Staying Motivated

Internet Marketing can be a tough business to get into & loss of motivation is a common occurrence amongst internet marketers. Below are some tips to keep your motivation levels up so you don't give up!

Narrows Your Focus
Determine just one goal you'd like to achieve and simply focus on that! This helps to relieve the 'congestion' in your mind of having too many things to do which is something that commonly affects internet marketers! Now your mind will be free to concentrate on this one objective!

Share Your Goal
Nothing works better to help you stay motivated than to share your new goals with your friends, family or others in your close knit community! Making these people aware of what you intend to accomplish serves to keep you more focused and their support will also be a great source of motivation!

Be Realistic
If the new goals you've set are realistic, and they always should be, you'll see more progress which will also help you to stay motivated and on course! Nothing works better for increasing your motivation than seeing your efforts bring results!

Be Conservative
Keep your objective relatively simple to increase your chances of success! This merely reflects that your new goals are not only realistic but manageable during times when your attention is being constantly diverted! This also keeps you from getting frustrated and quitting, which is a nasty habit that's easy to develop and after a while equally hard to break!

Keep At It
As you 'chip away' and continue to make progress you'll find your motivation will grow as will your productivity! Before you know it you will have reached the objective you set for yourself and will be setting even more new goals! What you're trying to do is 'shrink' your to-do list so it won't seem to be so overwhelming when faced with all the 'outside' distractions! In short you're retraining both your focus and discipline!

Good luck & never give up!

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